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  • Writer's pictureBush Hog

Summer Report

Hello from Kentucky Lake!

I have decided to take a few days off to clean the boat and recharge my batteries, so I thought I would take the time and write a report.

Generally speaking, the white bass fishing is pretty good from the time the kids go back to school on up into Labor Day. This is how it was last year. What a difference a year makes! Last year we had timely rains which kept good current flowing in the lake all season. This year we have had hot and dry weather. Little rainfall across the TVA system this year has made current, especially on a consistent basis, hard to come by. This has made the white bass fishing tougher than last year. A year ago, it was lights out just about every trip. You knew you had current, so you just tried to figure out where the current had the fish holding. This year when we have had current, we have absolutely whipped them, however, the days of very little current, the fish seem to be roaming around. This makes for tougher fishing for myself and everyone else I know. Days like these make the decision of when to switch off to yellow bass and bluegill so important. Recognizing when it will be more fruitful to chase other species is the key. Just because the white bass might not be on fire one day, doesn’t mean the yellow bass are not!

On the days of low current flow, the yellow bass and bluegill have been getting harassed. I have generally been able to find these fish and they have generally been ready to bite. I have been surprised to see the different places I am catching my fish. Old places where I have whacked them in the past, are now full of nothing. This means a lot of covering water and burning gas looking for new places to find tugs for my folks. I don’t know of any other way to find fish. I would rather make less on a trip after expenses that have an awkward silence when it’s time to pay at the end of the day and you don’t have much to show for it. Folks pay good money to catch fish when they go with a guide. I will do everything in my power to make sure you catch fish. I understand you can’t catch them every day, but if this is the business you choose, I personally feel that you need to catch most days.

I always want to make sure folks have a good time on my boat. I never want folks unaware of what we are going after. Therefore, I always let folks know before they get on, what the plan is, as well as what we were fishing for. I love to catch white bass when I can, but I am an opportunist, and I will go to the hottest bite. I realize folks don’t come here to necessarily catch yellow bass. However, they don’t fish with a guide to catch nothing either. A gallon bag of yellow bass and bluegill fillets beat the heck out of air sandwiches at suppertime. Full bellies and good memories make for repeat business! Keep up with what I am doing on Facebook and Instagram. If the pics look like a good time to you, then give me a call or text to get out on the water.

On a much more serious note, I want to let everyone know about the benefit and auction for Lynn Lane and his wife Misty Lane. Lynn is a fishing guide in the area and has had some health issues arise. VFW post 1084 and his friends are putting on this benefit to help with medical expenses. It will be Saturday October 1st starting at 4pm. There will be drawings, raffles, silent auctions, as well as a meal of ham or chicken with all the fixings starting at 5. All of the proceeds will go to Lynn and Misty for medical expenses. There is also an account set up at CFSB bank in Benton for anyone who would like to donate but can’t attend.

As always, thanks for your time and tight lines!

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