It has been a while since my last report, so I thought I would take the time on this rainy day to put my thoughts together, and down on paper.
In the future, please be aware that my fishing reports will only be on my website,
I will try to keep everything updated as the conditions change. These reports are out of my boat only, and may not reflect what others have, or are doing. At Lucky Lady Guide Service, I want you to go out and catch fish with me, and come back year after year.
Therefore, I am honest with all customers as to what services I can provide at a given time. I just want you to make an informed decision before you climb aboard. I never want anyone to leave disappointed. I will do my best under the given conditions to show you a good time.
The weather for the holiday weekend is looking nice, with highs in the upper 80s, and lows in the upper 60s. There looks to be a small chance of rain for Sunday, but nice again on Monday. The lake is right at summer pool at the time of this writing. Current has been average to above average, but generation schedules show the current backing off into the weekend.
With memorial weekend coming, I would like to remind everyone to please be aware of the increased road, and lake traffic. Remember to be patient at the boat ramp. Our tremendous resource allows everyone the opportunity to enjoy the water, and it might take a minute for everyone to get their boats put in! Please remember to wear your PFD while out on the water.
Now, on to the fishing. It was a tough spring for me. The crappie absolutely had me pulling out my hair in frustration. It seemed as if nothing mattered. It didn’t matter what I tried, or where I tried it. I couldn’t put together a decent stringer of fish. Some people I know did pretty well spider rigging further south on the lake, however the days that they really worked on them were just a few. Like I said before, nothing I tried Crappie fishing worked, so I began looking for a Plan B, C, and D early on. To say I was ready for bluegill season was an understatement. However, these fish have proven to be a formidable opponent as well. Cold fronts and water fluctuations have given the fish a here today, gone tomorrow attitude. You might catch the heck out of them, and then a cold front hits and you spend a good part of your next day finding them again. The more stable weather this weekend should help with that. With the bluegill bedding process going on now, they have been easier to find as well. I am not saying they’re everywhere, but one can find them if he goes out, and looks.
This past week most of my efforts have been on white, and yellow bass. I have managed to have some good days, and some that weren’t so good. Days without current have made them much harder to find. One just has to move around a lot to find some that are wanting to bite. Fish can appear as fast as they can disappear with the current change. The yellow bass are a little more forgiving than whites. Current still matters, but it seems the yellows still stick around when the current gets low. Of course, there is always a chance that we hook into a catfish as well along the way. Remember to stay safe out there this holiday weekend. Keep your head on a swivel, because you never know when trouble will arise.
Thanks to all those who have fish with me in the past. I look forward to meeting new people and taking them out to see what Kentucky Lake has to offer. For anyone interested in getting on the water, just give me a call, or text. Several available dates throughout the year.
Have a safe, and happy memorial weekend! As always, thank you for your time.
Tight Lines,